Ever have a hard time coming up with your accomplishments on your resume?

We've all been there--you sit down to write your resume for a job you REALLY want or it's time for your performance review...but you can't actually remember what you've accomplished in your current job. It's so frustrating, right? 

Never again! The next time you write your resume or chat with your boss about your value, it will be so much simpler because all the info you need is in this journal! Plus, you will be amazed at all you accomplished in just one year. 

The Solution is This Simple

By keeping track of your accomplishments all year round, you will never again struggle to remember what you did or why it mattered.

And the best part? It takes less than 5 minutes each day.

Isn't that worth it to make writing your resume 100 times less time-consuming and irritating?

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How does this work?

Once you purchase, you can immediately download and get started on your journal!

The PDF is fillable, so you can either use it on your computer or print it out and write in it.

There are prompts for 365 days of the year, and you can start on any date.

Once you download, you have access for the lifetime of this offer. That means, you can reprint and redownload it as many times as you'd like and use it year after year.

Don't put it off any longer!

Your new job is waiting. Get closer by tracking your accomplishments starting TODAY!